Sunday, March 15, 2009

like and love

Like and Love

What is the feeling of you like some one and also love some one.
When you like someone by naturally you will think of protecting her and sometime may try to avoid his/her partner to interact with the other especially opposite gentle indicate that he/she care about the relationship among them will be corrupt be the others. Of course this is usually people will think of particularly “he”.

When that like come to love most of them will be closer and of course the feeling of misunderstand will be decrease due to the maturity of them for the word “love“. But in some circumstances, when love was break down and if he or she still love the beloved no matter his/her boyfriend or girlfriend already have the other partner he/she will think of whether he/she ex will happy when with the new partner……….? This is call true love…
anyway!!!…when you are creaking down you need to try hard to throw the bad memories and get some of these as your experience for growing more maturity and do not ignore your ex because with he/she you may not know yourself.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

uncontrolable love!!!

Actually don’t know how to write this post title because it is based on personal viewpoint. Sometime may think that love is so influential, “exactly”. One person can influence one person attitude, mind, decision and so forth what I mean is one person attitude can change because of that “person” he/she fall in love. As a result he/she will act or move closer to that person and ready to receive the good thing of that person have and at the same he/she do not care about other person view of his/her beloved good or bad, at his/her mind that person are perfect and also ready to accept all the good and bad think that he/she have. That is all about one person fall in love to one person.
Love is just like a business, at start; they are a lot of things can be share and discuss and they not feel comfortable when they are not meet each other “missing” all the time just wait for message and phone call. Then, after few moment of time, they are already reaching the bottle neck and start to quarrel and finding the bad habit and also attitude of each other.
that be CONTINUE

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Did you guy ever think of what cause we look forward to continue our life?
Some people may say that it because want to achieve dreams,
because it is a life and so forth. These reasons is all supporting of one main cause. As for me i will say that it cause by our courage!!!

Without courage, we will stop at where we stand because we dont have the courage to do so.For example: when we are facing problem and even there is sometime tough to us for performing that particular things, but it no way for us to stop there right? because that is life and life need we to make it more interesting and that is COURAGE to let us to continue our life. Courage is very important in ourlife, see those people in africa and the war country they are lack of foods, water, parential guide but they can survive until today and never give up!!! this indicated that they have a strong courage to continue their life!!!